السبت، 3 سبتمبر 2016

لاى فرى لانسر مع المبدع احمد مسعد | الجزء الثالث Upwork خمس عشرة نصيحة لعمل بروفايل قوى على

11. Real portfolio items

Clients seek for proof about all you’be written above, so

put actual work samples and not a homework ones!

Think of what client wants. Maybe he wants a website to

sell his ebook through.

So if he saw a portfolio item about a website you did for a

previous client which helped him selling his ebook

you’re invited right away! As simple as that.

Make sure you describe every piece of your portfolio well,

and if you could put some real statics, that’ll be more


“this website helped my client to sell 132 E-books in 2
weeks” is way better than “this website helped my client to
sell his ebook.”

and make sure you attach some screenshots of the data.

remember, whenever you finish a couple of new projects

remove the old ones and keep only 3 – 4 of the most

valuable projects you did.

12. Employment history

here you’re one of three types:

                                                                 type #1 who was doing a full-time boring job and now
                                                                      he’s starting a new career on Upwork.
                                                                 in this case, try to mention any internship you’ve been                                                                    at that’s relevant to your new career on Upwork.

                                                                type #2 The second type who was (or still) doing a full-                                                                   time job and now he’s working on Upwork in the same                                                                     field.
                                                               And that’s an advantage you must mention.
                                                              Also, if you did a remarkable thing at your work, make                                                                     sure you highlight this part.

                                                              type #3 the last type is someone who didn’t work at all                                                                   before, never took an internship and hated full-time jobs                                                                 (as I do).
                                                              In this case, leave this Employment History section for                                                                     now.
                                                              after you did some big project on Upwork, put it there.

13. Education sucks in the whole world

I don’t know about you but for me (and a lot of


out there aren’t loving their field of study (that’s why I

dropped out).

If you’re one of us, feel free to leave this section empty.

Or, put it if you studied some related subjects to what

you’re doing on Upwork and you think most of the clients

would be impressed knowing that.

You’ll be lucky if you’re working in the same field as you

studied, it’s a kind of advantage for some clients.

So describe in details how these years of studying have

affected your work and as all the tips above (how it’ll be

helpful for your perspective client).

14. Give your Upwork profile that fancy look by adding some certifications

Just don’t put any certificate you got in your whole life.

The top 2 or 3 again in your working field will do just fine.

Free certificate for completing a Udemy course or

something, shouldn’t actually be called a certificate as it

doesn’t certificate any of your skills but watching.

Do NOT put these kinds on your profile (Unless you’re

really a beginner).

15. Set your availability and respond to invitations immediately

avilability and response time that displays on upwork profile
One easy thing to do from Upwork app on through

your IOS/Android phone. As your responding time displays

on your profile.

If it says you respond within 3 days or a week, you’ll be

missing a lot of invitations, especially urgent ones.

Time for the Takeaways

                                                                 Takeaway #1 Be honest in everything you write about                                                                    yourself on your Upwork profile.
                                                                 Takeaway #2 Use Grammarly when you write so it                                                                          checks for typos. you can do better by getting a native                                                                    English speaker reviewing it too.

Here’s what to do next:

#1 Post a comment below to let me know what you think of

 these Upwork profile tips.

#2 Improve your profile now by applying what you learned


#3 Pat yourself on the back. You just read 2200+ words

blog post!

لاى فرى لانسر مع المبدع احمد مسعد | الجزء الثانى Upwork خمس عشرة نصيحة لعمل بروفايل قوى على

6. Verify your skills with tests

As I talked above about that above, taking tests can get you a mark on your skills (not all skills have tests).
an example of a verified skill
it also has a section on its own, showing more details about the score, time to complete and so on.
tests section on upwork profile
The beauty of it is that you can hide and retake any test if you got a low score.
how to hide or retake any test

7. Your overview is NOT actually about YOU

Most important thing to put in mind when you’re writing your overview is to make it useful to the client.

If you’re writing (I)s more than (You)s, you’re doing it wrong.

As any freelancer could say whatever he wants about himself. Why should the client believe you?

So the first thing I suggest doing is getting a couple of testimonials from clients you’ve worked with outside of Upwork or within it if you’re already working there.
client's review at the beginning of my overview
It’ll make your words more trustworthy.

Wether you’ve testimonials or not, follow these 4 tips to create a great overview:

  •                                                                                             Do NOT just list your words like you’re writing an article or a resume.
                                                                                                Instead, try wrapping it into a story.Make your potential client know what journey you’ll                                                                                                 take him through.
  •                                                                                             Do Not ever look for inspiration on other Top Rated Upwork profiles. You are the one                                                                                                   who knows what makes you a unique freelancer. So start writing your overview now and                                                                                             you can edit it later on when words pop up into your mind.
  •                                                                                                As I’m sure you don’t want to push clients away, don’t push away clients with some                                                                                                      specific type of work (I don’t work with WordPress sites) or something like that.
  •                                                                                                At the end of your overview, put a call to action (Want Bla Bla Bla? Invite me to your                                                                                                    job right now!)

8. Do NOT lie about your English fluency level

most common thing freelancers lie about is their English fluency level.
choosing proficiency English level
As of course if you’re fluent you’ll have a much bigger chance than a freelancer with a conversational level of English.

But the thing is, most clients will be able to figure that out, and they might report your account.

Most importantly, you would miss that chance working with them.

On the other hand, if you’re fluent or native in English do not just set the level on your profile, but also mention that in your overview.

This’ll be a big advantage for you as it’ll be easier communicating with you.

If you’re wondering how to verify your English and get that badge on your profile
screenshot of verified english level
here’s how:

  •                                                                                                If you are in a native English-speaking country, you will have to submit a certificate                                                                                                       from (Duolingo or Cambridge or IELTS).
  •                                                                                                If not you have the above option, or you can only work and after finishing each                                                                                                            contract, the client will be asked to Rate your English proficiency. If 3 or more clients                                                                                                    confirm your self-selected level, you’ll get the badge.
For the full list of details check this Upwork community announcement.

You should also list any other language there, whatever you’re level of fluency in this language.
listing more than one language
Some will say, what’s the benefit I’ll get from a basic command of a language?

Guess what? If this language is the mother tong of your potential client, there’s a big chance he could like you as that’s a common thing between you two.

So what do you think if you can talk with him using his mother toung or it’s your mother tong too? bigger chance propebly.

9. Verify your phone number

verified phone number
Simplest step you can do, as it gives you a badge of a verified phone number which adds more trust for clients.

10. Only 2 of freelancers have created introduction videos

I’ve analyzed 100 profile in my main category (Web,
Mobile & Software Dev) and I only found 2 freelancers having introduction videos on their profiles.

Of course, this percentage could vary if your category was animation videos or motion graphic but it’s a chance you should catch.

I know you’re wondering how to make a good introduction video that stands out.
Here are my tips:

  •                                                                                                 All what I’ve mentioned above in the profile picture section such as (clean face,                                                                                                           smiling, wearing a good looking outfit and finally a lighting and calm background).
  •                                                                                                 Good quality video camera with its stand and high-quality mic.
  •                                                                                                 Be different! There’re no rules here. Do a Video in your own unique way and put in                                                                                                       your mind that when any client watches it, he should be able to know what exactly are                                                                                                 you doing and are you the right freelancer for his project or not.
  •                                                                                                 Watch and remake other videos (I’d suggest not scripting and just speak as you do                                                                                                     with a friend) and you have unlimited times of tries till you come with your perfect                                                                                                         introduction video.
  •                                                                                                 Re-name it to (your name – title ) and upload it to Youtube.

لاى فرى لانسر مع المبدع احمد مسعد | الجزء الاول Upwork خمس عشرة نصيحة لعمل بروفايل قوى على

1. How to set your hourly rate

I bet you tried calculating it like that: I get 2000$ a month on my full-time job working 40 hours/week. 160 hours/month.

Dividing 2000$ by 160hrs sets your hourly rate to 12.5$/hr.

I have to STOP you here for a second, did you put in mind

  • Most of the time you’ll not be working for 8 hours a day.

  • Neither you will get paid for the time you’re spending on searching and bidding on jobs nor the interview time.

  • You wouldn’t get health insurance as you were getting at your previous full-time job.
  • You wouldn’t be working for 8 hours a day even if you’re a full-time freelancer.
keep these in mind, and you’re ready to set an hourly rate then.

2. Who are you?

You are a professional freelancer now. So don’t be shy and put your real name out there. Neither your nickname nor your snapchat’s one.
screenshot of freelancer's name on his upwork profile
That’s necessary for the verification process as using a fake name may get your account banned. Also, you’ll not be able to withdraw your earnings.
So don’t play with fire. Also, don’t forget to capitalize it.

3. Standing out title

Did you ask yourself before how many freelancers out there are having the same title as you?
Well, you should.
Moreover, if you think that it is a common title (Web Designer), believe me, you want to get rid of that right now.
From Your title, the client should be able to know what specifically you are doing.
Try to explain that in a short title like the following examples for writers:
example #1 “writing blog posts that convert visitors into customers.”

example #2 “writing Facebook ads that get traffic.”
Which gives the client a clear message about what are you doing.
So take a look at your competitor’s titles and don’t choose a similar title in order to stand out.
Another important thing most freelancers miss it. Don’t create a long title that appears incomplete in search results!
How could you check that?
I’ll explain.
First, go to the search bar and choose freelancers instead of jobs and search for your name.
search for freelancers instead of jobs
you should see your profile in search results like that (notice the incomplete title)
title appears incomplete in search results because it's too long
as you can see my title requires editing as it was (Full-Stack WordPress Developer with a great eye for UX and UI).
So I got rid of the last part (and UI), so it looks like that in search results.
freelancer's title appears complete in search results
Of course, you have the freedom to change all of it. Just do whatever it takes so it looks nice in search results (should give a clear message also).

4. Clients do judge an Upwork profile by its Profile Picture

It is the sad truth that looking older could attract more clients.
This freelancer tried adding a fake beard on his Upwork profile picture which increased proposal respond from 14% to 32%.
So grow a beard!
the freelancers Upwork profile picture before and after adding a fake beard
Don’t put one of your tagged facebook photos there. Instead, follow these most important 5 upwrok profile picture tips:

tip #1 only your face and shoulders should be in there (no need for your body unless you are a 
fitness trainer or something)

tip #2 smiling (not dumb smile, but your face should look happy not aggressive)

tip #3 wearing a good looking outfit (not too informal).

tip #4 clean background that has no people in it.

tip #5 good lighting (sunlight will do just fine)
If you do not have one already, get your friend shooting some pictures of you in highest possible quality (you can use a good mobile camera), and remember the above tips.

5. Your Skills

Now it is time for some serious stuff.
This is one of the important things especially if you are just starting out and have no client’s reviews yet.
skills section on upwrok profile
When you choose your essential skills on your Upwork profile, you have the chance to verify them from Upwork.
…It’s easy.
You just take its test (more details on the next tip), which gives proof to clients when they look at your Upwork profile that you are qualified for these skills.
One important thing to put in mind as you would not take tests in every single skill on your first day, so put the most relevant and marked skills at first followed by less relevant and less important ones.
You’ll notice that if you choose more than five skills, it will only display 5 and a more link which shows the rest after clicking on it.
first five skills
So make sure you put your top five skills that’ll grab client’s attention.

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

الثانويه العامه مش كل حاجة مع المبدع احمد مسعد

أيام الثانوية العامة مكنتش لسة محدد هدفي ولا المفروض
 هوصل لايه او ازاي، فا لقيت الطريق اللي قدامي هو زي اغلب 

قلت هدخل هندسة واتخرج منها اعمل ماجستير بره مصر والدنيا 
هتبقا حلوة.

طبعا أنا مكنتش مؤمن بالتعليم المصري والهدف اللي عايز اوصله 
مش محفز اوي عشان دا كان مجرد الطريق اللي لقيته شغال 
مكانش شغفي في مجال معين في الهندسة مثلا.

بس في نفس الوقت مكنش فيه حاجة متاحة غيره كويسة، بس 
كان فيه مشكلة.

إني مكنتش بحب المذاكرة ولا حابب اللي هيا هتوصلني ليه، فا 
كنت مقصر في معظم المواد الدراسية وكنت على وشك إني اتطرد 
من كذا درس.

فا بالمصري كدة أنا كنت ماشي بالحب أوي ومش بذاكر خالص وكل 
اللي كانو معايا في الدروس وأهلي قالولي انت لو جبت 80% تحمد 

المهم إن من أكتر المواد اللي كنت مقصر فيها كانت مادة الكيمياء، 
كان فيه جزء كبير من المنهج محضرتهوش في الدرس ولا ذاكرته 

فا طبعا جيت قبل الامتحان بتاع الكيمياء بيومين وعملت ايه؟
طلعت العين السخنة عشان أغير جو!

واليوم اللي قبل الامتحان نمت فيه عشان أكيد بذلت مجهود في 
العوم يعني وكدة 

والناس اللي عارفاني وكانت معايا في اللجنة عارفين إني كنت في 
حالي مش بغش ولا بغشش حد ورحت الامتحان زي غيره حليت 
اللي أعرفه وكتبت أي حاجة في اللي معرفهوش وخلاص.

المهم إني في الآخر بالاستهتار - زي ما الناس بيسموه - اللي أنا 
كنت فيه جبت 92.9% ودخلت هندسة - سبتها في الاخر بس 
مش موضوعنا - على عكس ناس كتير أعرفهم كانوا هاريين نفسهم 
مذاكرة ومش بيطلعو من البيت والجو ده وجابوا أقل بكتير.

الخدعة هنا إن كل واحد بيفكر في الشغل إن الحاجة اللي هتميزه 
وهتوصله لهدفه هيا إنه يشتغل 12 و 20 ساعة وخلاص.

فا هو قريب من موضوع الطلبة اللي بتذاكر كتير ومش بتفصل 
وبتتعب نفسيا وفي الاخر متقدرش تحل كويس وترتبك في 

فأنا شايف إن الواحد بيحتاج يفصل كتييير، يوميا واسبوعيا وشهريا 
وياخد الموضوع بالحب شوية.

بجانب طريقة التفكير اللي هي أهم حاجة هتميزك عن غيرك على 
المستوى البعيد.

الفريلانسرز اللي بيضغطوا نفسهم 12 و 20 ساعة في اليوم 
للشغل بس غالبا بيوصل عند مرحلة وينفجر بجانب إنه مبيبقاش 
عنده وقت يطور من جوانب تانية هتميزه كفريلانسر زي الانجلش 
وإنه يقرأ كتب وحجات عن مجاله او بمجالات متعلقه بمجاله 
الاساسي أو إنه يزود حسه الكوميدي وقلت مهم وفادني ازاي هنا

ولما فكرت وصلت إني بقيت ماشي بنظرية work less, earn more

فا لما بفصل واتفرج على افلام ومسلسلات، اقوي الانجلش واهزر 
احسن واقرأ في مجالي والمجالات اللي حواليه دا كله بيساعدني 
اعلي سعري!

بدل ما اشتغل 12 ساعة في اليوم ب 5 دولار في الساعة فأنا 
ممكن اشتغل ساعتين او 3 في اليوم ب35 دولار في الساعة 
وهيبقا مكسب اليوم اكتر!

وهكذا بقا في اي حاجة، لو فكرت إنك شغال في مجال معين بس 
الشغل المتاح فيه مش كتير فا ممكن توظف نفس مهاراتك وتتعلم 
حاجة زيادة وتشتغل في مجال تاني

مثال قلته قبل كدة:

واحد شغلانته الكتابة (copywriting)
فا كان مختار مجال انه يكتب CVs فا لقا انه بيكتب للعميل مرة ومش بيشوف وشه تاني ولازم يبذل مجهود كبير انه يدور على 
عملاء جدد كل مرة.

بدل المجهود دا قام استغل مهاراته في الكتابة واتجه انه يكتب 
مقالات للمواقع (blog posts) لانه لما بيكتب مقالات لشركة 
وبتعجبهم وتفيدهم بيطلبو منه يكتب تاني وتالت ورابع فا كدا 
المجهود هيبقا في الشغل مش في البحث عن عملاء جداد كل 
كام يوم.

الخلاصة من الموضوع إن أي مشكلة تحصل لو لقيت نفسك في 
نص شغلانة مش عارف تكلمها بدل ما تقول ان ملهاش حل وانت 
خسرت كل حاجة كدة

فكر ايه الحلول المتاحة، مثلا:

1- اسيرش اكتر عن المشكلة واحاول احلها بنفسي.
2- أدفع فلوس لواحد تاني عشان يحلهالي.
3- اقول للعميل إني مش هقدر اعمل الجزء دا بس هعمل باقي 
الشغلانة عادي.

وفيه حلول تاني كتير حسب كل مشكلة يعني.

المهم إنك تحاول تخرج منها بأقل خساير ممكنة وطبعا مشكلة مع 
التانية خبرتك هتزيد ومفيش حاجة ملهاش حل حتى لو كان الحل إن 
تعمل بروفايل جديد على الموقع أو تغير المجال خالص فا دا حل 
برضه بس كل حل هيبقا ليه ميزات وهييجي من وراه خساير.

فا احسبها صح 

والثانوية العامة مكنتش حاجة انا حاببها عشان كدا لما جيب 
اشتغل اخترت مجال انا بحبه وبالتفكير الصح بقيت بحقق اللي انا 

البوست اللي جاي هيبقا ازاي تفكر وتختار مجال وتخصص مناسب 
قبل ما تشتغل على Upwork
وبرضه هيفيد الناس اللي شغالة عشان ممكن يكونوا متخصصين 

كالعادة إنجووي 

* الصورة دي كانت قبل امتحان الكيمياء من العين السخنة، 

وتصحيح خطأ كتابيlaw*